Kathy's Books

A lead author in the areas of parenting and education.

Parenting Books

Parenting doesn’t come with a handbook. There are so many confused messages about how to parent. These books provide a range of issues and topics that are practical and simple.

Future Proofing Your Child

The most effective way to set our children up for a successful, happy and healthy life is to be proactive. The patterns, parenting and relationships we build as we parent in their early childhood and primary years provide we hope a strong foundation for their future lives.

Future proofing reminds us of the importance of being proactive, of thinking carefully about our parenting strategies, understanding our children and why they do the things they do and how it is best to respond. The book provides a range of practical tips and strategies about behaviour and about the use or misuse of technology, screen time and how we can create a balanced life for our children in their most formative and important years.

What's The Hurry?

What’s the Hurry was Kathys first book. Over 10 years since publication it is more relevant today than it was when first released. How do we slow the pace of this rushed and hurried world? How do we reclaim childhood as a unique and highly important time in the lifespan that requires time, consideration, child paced rather than adult paced lives?

Do we really need devices for babies to watch iphones and ipads when they are 6 months of age? Do all babies and toddlers need to be in 3 or 4 extra curricula activities every week?

Do we consider that the rise in anxiety, mental illness, depression, may relate to how disconnected we are becoming as a society?

Childhood and how it is lived, sets the foundation for most of what will come in the future. This book provides critical thinking for society, educators and parents about indeed, What’s the Hurry and let’s Reclaim Childhood before it is all too late.

    Ready Set Go

    Ready Set Go is a fabulous resource for any parent with children in the early years. The earlier parents read this book the better!!

    This book is an easy read and provides all the information parents and educators require to make informed decisions about when is the best time to send their children to school, ( not just when they are legally able to go).

    The second half of the book includes: How to choose a school and how to help the transition to school with preparation tips for the child and family.

    This book is also a valuable resource for all educators to have at their finger tips in a parent library


      So many parenting books try to fix parents and provide magic answers. This book acknowledges that there isn’t a one size fits all approach to parenting. It provides a range of ideas, strategies and opportunities for parents to think and reflect on how they wish to parent.

      How we parent, the messages we provide to our children now, set a foundation of how our children will live and feel and believe about themselves in the future.

      The book also provides a whole chapter on how to look after yourself as a parent. Taking care of yourself means you will have more energy to take care of your children.

      Consequences, behaviour tips, building resilience, trouble shooting, and lots of practical ideas are provided.

        Teacher Resources

        These texts provide practical strategies and ideas to help educators teach to the individual and personalise learning. They reflect Kathy’s expertise in teaching and learning and are popular nationally and internationally.

        Play Matters

        Play Matters 2nd Edition:
        Investigative learning for preschool to Grade 2 continues to provide practical guidance and innovative strategies for teachers working with young children from preschool to Grade 2, through a unique balance of explicit instruction in literacy and numeracy skills and personalised, explorative learning.

        The book promotes the active engagement of all young children, with an enhanced focus on children from diverse backgrounds as well as children with specific needs.

          Engagement Matters

          Engagement Matters: Personalised learning for Grades 3 to 6 provides a step-by-step, practical guide for teachers, emphasising student engagement, empowerment and achievement, and importantly, personalised learning. The transition from Grade 2 into the middle and upper primary years is made seamless through the provision of tips, activities and explanatory theory.

          The book contains a full-colour section of photographs, and a CD of template documents for planning, assessment and reporting activities.

            Early Childhood Play Matters

            Early Childhood Play Matters provides the framework for educators to focus on the core role of building relationships with children and implementing a rich intentional play based curriculum.

            It is full of practical ideas on setting up the learning environment (indoors & outdoors), how to plan and document to save time, and how to provide rich provocations for learning through play.

            It contains a full-colour section of photographs, and templates for planning, assessment and reporting activities. Organisational ideas and resources are provided, along with a bibliography for further reference and advice.

              Contact Kathy

              Email Kathy – kathy@kathywalker.com.au
              Call Kathy – +61408485057